Spring is around the corner, which is the perfect time for a physical – as well as mental – spring clean. I have been in poor health lately too, and that always gets me thinking about the bigger picture – through an introspective lens, of course.

No filters – I’ve been as ill as I look, but feeling grateful for much

Last week I received my Public Lending Right statement from the British Library. This included payment for all the library borrows I’ve had in Libraries NI between 1 July 2022 and 30 June 2023. Only three of my titles: The Blue Man, Gods of Avalon Road and The Buddha’s Bone were available during this time, and between those three titles, I received 11 borrows. I am thankful that 11 readers discovered my books in libraries across Northern Ireland, and hope they enjoyed them.

This year so far, I’ve also had 9 sales among 4 of my titles and 2000-ish Kindle Unlimited page reads, between 5 of my titles.

I was also contacted by a reader last month who said she enjoyed one of my books so much that she recommended it for her work book club. I’ve had a boost in KU page reads and 2 sales of The Buddha’s Bone since January that I’m guessing are by readers in that particular book club.

On top of that, I received the first of my biannual royalty statements from one of my traditionally published books, so I’m feeling thankful to my readers for continuing to buy or borrow my books. Knowing that people are reading my books, even if sales or loans have been trickling rather than pouring in, gives me the much-needed motivation to keep writing, especially while I’m convalescing after being in hospital.

Authors need a boost from time to time. Thank you, Dear Readers, for mine.

About Leilanie Stewart

Leilanie Stewart is an award-winning author and poet from Belfast, Northern Ireland. She writes paranormal and psychological fiction, as well as experimental verse. Her writing confronts the nature of self; her novels feature main characters on a dark psychological journey who have a crisis and create a new sense of identity. She began writing for publication while working as an English teacher in Japan, a career pathway that has influenced themes in her writing. Her former career as an Archaeologist has also inspired her writing and she has incorporated elements of archaeology and mythology into both her fiction and poetry. In addition to promoting her own work, Leilanie runs Bindweed Anthologies, a creative writing publication with her writer husband, Joseph Robert. Aside from publishing pursuits, Leilanie enjoys spending time with her husband and their lively literary lad, a voracious reader of sea monster books.

2 responses »

  1. Hoping your recovering doesn’t take too long, and that the sales and KU reads keep on coming in. All the best. xxx

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